The posidonia herbarium
An endemic species in the Mediterranean, posidonia is a flowering marine plant.

As a key species, fundamental to the food chain, this aquatic plant plays several key roles in underwater biodiversity, including providing protective shelter for various plant and animal species, producing oxygen, and helping to prevent coastal erosion.
Posidonia enjoys nationwide protection, under a French Ministerial Decree from 1988, and international protection, under the Barcelona Convention of 1976 for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean, and the Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats of 1979.
Running continuously along the coast at Pointe Fauconnière, the herbarium begins at the edge of the coastal cliffs and rocks and continues down to a depth of around 30 metres.
Having its primary habitat within this site and being particularly sensitive to mooring, a significant awareness-raising campaign has been conducted on its behalf among recreational sailors and professional seafarers, to encourage everyone to help ensure its preservation.